CASE STUDY: An experience introducing a wiki in a course of Technology Education at the Faculty of Education. (Revised)

Beatriz Fainholc

1-Describe the background to the development of this e-learning practice or technology.

At a revision and adjustment of the contextualization of the case study that I am introducing now, I would like to make a short summary of the main concepts of different aspects to be linked, applied, etc in our faculty practice, and also, at the training of them, too. So to emphases for example, in define and apply the affordances concepts to be developed by network tools to support users, will contribute in discovering each other and so, working together in an active engagement , with eradication of the eternal motivation, to a shift to an intrinsic one , at diverse learning collaborative and community experiences, make the students to be more aware to practice a critical analysis of the concepts content, the methoidology of adding and discussing it, and the technologic format of the wiki tool.

To my mind the major affordances participative-social of the social networking web 2.0, its tools and contexts are wiki, blogs, social tagging, web conferences, moodle, etc. Then, as we can observe in this case study,- please read below, the development – step to step -, of an idiosyncratic metacognition process, connected to a self-regulated learning, has help the production of knowledge, having the opportunity of growing an epistemology in learning.
The concepts named above are a part of the description of the background to the development of the e-learning practice of a wiki technology.
I was the introducer of the wiki in my course of Educational Technology, at the Faculty of Education, La Plata National University, Buenos Aires, a few years ago. At the opposite side, my colleagues have continued working at a traditional paradigm to plan their classes "using" internet,80% face to face, and 20% uploading text material that the students download it to read it, and do the activities that the professor determines[1].

I implement the wiki, -after the explanation of what a wiki is, and its different uses, for us to invite the students to discuss the central concepts of the course, as a practical and dialogic dictionary and to recreate it. Also to share the meanings about the concepts, re-writing them, etc. The point was that they have to read not only the bibliography and the syllabus recommended by a youtube , but mainly what their mates have written (have re construct).

2- What is the educational challenge that the practice or technology is intended to address?
To activate by a new mediated technologic experience , the grow of a deep comprehension and a genuine/transformative/active process learning of the main concepts of Educational Technology course, and at the same time to teach the meaning of the concepts by the collaborative tool wiki. The hope was/is that the users/students (students of Education) should transferred - both issues concepts and wiki format -, to their classrooms, or educational programs, looking for the open road to produce knowledge.
Also, another challenge was/is to stimulate the active /transformative possibilities by the development of different affordances[2] and some of the new digital competences through those contexts.

3- How does the e-learning practice or technology work? Explain its structure and function from the point of view of teachers and learners.

My blended learning proposal of teaching related to the articulation of the wiki software (in a moodle platform) claimed for an explicit[3] teaching strategy to prepare,- as a "take-off" -, the understanding of the content and technologic tools (related to the E.T. field).

My strategy : to incentive/motivated before the presentation of the software wiki and its characteristics by explaining, and guide the comprehension (PDZ): to help-follow the understanding of different concepts of the area, with the hope that every students in, on line groups, will complete the them , through a constant discussing. At the beginning they have reluctance on a 70% to engage the new situation and , I had to guide again and again (explicit learning : because wiki was a new environment and it was to be explained it. I also have prepare a "simulation" (analogical knowledge) with other examples.

4- How does the way the practice or technology works reflect its understanding of learning?

In a 30% the students understood/understand the new mediations by EOR, to act, interact with their mates, indeed, as a new way to learn, because they found, logically a similarity with wikipedia, although I have deconstructed the Wales´s proposal because of their strong critics,- that I share-, beyond their advantages.
We have done a very small qualitative -action- research - , with a few questions to think with the students, to analyze what happen during the mediated interaction, why they have reluctances to work in this collaborative way, and many others topics that they added : they are not used to work, and that time, it was the first moment to articulate wiki. At the action-research[4] , the practice of virtual ethnography, questionnaires of the wiki use, personal and group sensations, communication impacts for their future virtual classes, to imagine some adaptation to transfer the tool to diverse disciplines and contents , through a connected global/local network of people/groups, etc-, for example by appropriating the historial which has the wikispaces site,-have conducted to develop the affordance of ubiquitous learning . Anyway the view of the historial of wikispaces site that we have used, show us, the increasing or/and descending student´s participation during the course:

The preliminary results of this small educational experience, - very strong since they were/are students of Education-,shows us that the development of the affordance of meta-cognition, by a reflective learning practice -, would be a genuine possibility towards the remotion of anachonic traditional educational conceptions and methodologies. Although the precarious context of the experience, the main point were/is that the students ( and me: I have learnt different points not only from this experience but also, from the students feedback), live the affordances of an active/transformative learning, to share knowledge, and to develop metacognition.

5-What is the underlying theory of learning that this educational practice technology reflects?

The socio constructivism , interactionist, connectivism, post-structuralism, in a systemic- holistic networked approach.

6-Use the seven affordances framework to analyze this e-learning environment or technology.

Basically the affordances , many of them that we develop (and have learnt during my training and the university practice , named above) are applied and are develop, in a continuous progress. Also, show us that a methodological and conceptual student work by a collaborative task, is growing and growing in a progressive way as time goes by: but for a profound or superficial learning? .
The virtual orientation strategy for the students interaction , towards an aware of the production of knowledge points out the multimodal meaning, as another affordance that was/is achieved, step by step, or by insight, recursively, etc, - depending the external stimulus, their cognitive styles, their mental representations, their culture, and so on.

Anyway that development will be done in a long term, in our opinion, because the learning process need a log time and depends on complex variables. Also a progressiveness towards to configurate and consolidate an “invisible learning”.

According to the question of Dr Cope: “does the learning affordances are an "invisible learning"? a kind of tacit/implicit knowledge? that the students have to develop for a practice to produce an imaginative , autonomous and collective knowledge? I say: yes.

The invisible learning is the result “under construction” of an integration of diverse focuses as an umbrella, which cover the learning of the new competences to interact with the new digital processes within the new phenomena of a fluid meta-spaces, “fuzzy logic” , etc . Also it is a result of the computing ubiquity that push to the invention, research, economic production and distribution of advanced intelligent technological devices . They exists at everyday place of formal and informal life, and immerses it very subtly in the people socialization[5].

Related to these reflections, we could say that the invisible learning, and the development/ achievement of affordances are a show of tacit/implicit knowledge. It is a kind of knowledge which I person has and practices but he/she only can partially explain or communicate it. It is also, more implicit than explicit[6], result of the informal, personal o social interaction , hard to express it, and little visible .Then we can say as a consequence, that the three learning phenomena are integrated and in interaction.

To summarize the different affordances that we choose for their development in the context of the wiki experience:

-a development of an active knowledge elaboration, -

-in an ubiquitous virtual spaces of learning, not only in schools and universities, but also at diverse public or/and spaces , work, their lives, etc.

The interaction and the collaborative processes of a production of knowledge by different formats, supports, trans-mediatic, symbolic codes, etc,

-in a collective writing environment, to contribute to configurate a collective writing, and - the practice a critical reading of their own written interventions (meta-cognition) together with the group mates, such a community practice of a peer to peer learning and evaluation,
- reviewing and discussing them to increase ,without repeating definition´s concepts, explanations and exemplification-, the comprehension of the main ideas of the course, by virtual interaction, peer evaluation, etc. The progressive educational achievement of the students, was through a designed project-based learning mediated by a wiki, - and other web2.o tools-, will improve the quality of the learning and teaching processes, within an authentic and participative pedagogy /new and/transformative learning, always with the guide of the professor.

At the contrary that we had expected, an oscillation of a little participation , and after more lower one,- individually and collectively-, the team begin to show. At this precise moment, a constant implication and students commitment really, does not exists: we think that it is one of the more difficult affordance to be consolidated towards a collaborative intelligence.

7- Is the operation of the technology in practice and associated learning practices adequately described in the case study? Are concrete examples provided?

This experience in a very short term was presented and described in this Case Study. More data we could see in a comparison between before and after the experience:
Several concrete examples we have and will provided during the case study report.

8-Do they illustrate the way the environment's underlying theory of learning translates into practice?

A strong planning by an Advanced Organizer (Ausubel), and educational (not only didactic) structure of contents, activities, topics (that the course team professors prepared in advance for the web), was an opportunity to construct meanings by interacting in a formative proposal, in the wiki environment, first for us, and afterwards , by the student part.

Nevertheless, at the beginning of the experience, the informal communication , shows a diffuse and still now, low level of collective conceptual participation, by doing questions and answers.

The socio-constructive work proposes and stimulates a new practice , in conjunction of the wiki virtual procedures, that we know that it will improve their cognitive skills and to transfer to another formative situation. But the practice don’t shows this idyllic performance.

Some examples shows us data by the following reactive:

- the wiki was useful in your learning? In what areas?

9-What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the technology or practice from the perspectives of teaching and learning?

Doing a critical reflections we could see different strengths and limitations.
Strengths: the majority of the students perceived and live the value of collaboration (not only read it in theory) related to a wiki, but mainly having the opportunity to communicate each other, within a space of virtual social interaction and co- creation of knowledge. As time goes by, we hope that they will be more confident to understand the resource and the affordance of an active /transformative learning exploiting the information for a co construction, and their participation in this firm way .Then , we can see an increasing at their contributions.

The limitations were:

-The repetitive software design of the wiki, and the mechanical edition procedures make to the students a lack of enthusiasm, beyond they reckon the wiki flexibility .
It is an epistemological reflection: such is the lineal context that an algorithmic software functions, and constitutes its environment. And the need to appropriated them developing diverse designs is a challenge to make the affordance grow and blossom.

In a learning way , sometime it results to an informational disorganization , risks to copy and paste, and to think without a conceptual hierarquization, to repeat what another writes because nobody have read what he/she wrote, etc.

- By the part of the university system/institution in general, which is dying and outdated system founded on a fragmented and classified data totally unsuited to the needs of the students lives, it is seen: an anachronism of the infra-structure ,- without taking care of it, in general, to an inexistence of interests in technologic innovations, etc , -beyond it is said that they are fantastic-, it doesn´t produce positive impacts to mobilize and a compromises to lead a transition to a new learning model.

-By the part of the professors we could see a generation gap which separate two age groups and divergent cultures, and different mentalities. In thru, they speak that they are socio-constructivist, but in the practice they are behaviorists. So, in general, the lack of new visions of learning and teaching, need a different and transformative training of the professors. If not, it would make a negative ferment to institutions and the students. So, towards a development of affordances, it will take a long time , to understand the meaning of the tool, because the subjacent rationality is only technical-instrumental, in terms of Habermas, J. Mainly because in general terms, the educational training of the professors is unsuited to the needs and lives of the students and the informational society of the XXI century: they duplicate anachronic learning and teaching paradigms.

Do the conclusions and recommendations follow from the information and reasoning provided in the case study?

The use of the software wiki, do not produce, by its own, the knowledge construction in a collaborative way, if there are not diverse prerequisites. It is software for a social interaction and collaborative writing, in order to elaborate collective documents. It consists in a kind of some social practices of exchanging around different topics, from the workers to the students. But a socio-cultural context and psycho sociological atmosphere, shows different profiles, times and ways to the achievement of the affordance named above.

Since the learning process is a progressive one, the socio-cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies of/for (a critical) thinking, the acquisition of digital competences , flexible attitudes, etc, will be developed within the  affordances named, in order to learn more and for a better teaching with quality. But only in my opinion, if the planners, professors, designers, etc, take care and are respectful of contexts of the different cultures and subcultures, languages, values, mentalities, etc. In this way, surely, the learning makes a deep difference in students’ lives, to access to a deep knowledge , not peripheral, simply to be forgotten. In this context the network communities , and many strategies that were named above-, will promote a significative and productive interaction, within the formal education system and non formal programs.

Then the social, cultural, psychological, academic, local management, contextual/situated/distributed issues, the up-dating of the training of the professors, the technical and administrative support of the institution, the care of the equipment, good connectivity , etc, are critic variables to influence not only the knowledge construction, but a transition of educational models. Such is the inequity between developed regions, countries, social organizations, people, etc will continue.

The recommendation of the introduction of a wiki and many web2.0 technological tools, lead us to deepen the understanding about the opportunity and the meaning about the collaborative dynamic work, in an anthropologic and cultural framework. That is basically, an epistemological discussion about subjacent conceptions related to the production of knowledge . Also it is a connected topic to the virtual educational environment which propose different values and the point is to appropriate the diverse perspectives for a construction or reformulation of a new/specific, open and not finished knowledge .

The professors are not used to interact in general, between them and a little with their students in a network, doing reflections of the epistemological roads of the disciplinary content, methodologies, etc, as far I can see in my country, and others . Then, the socialization delays more than the expected time for a social change and a transformative learning. As time goes by, step by step they the students at the presented experience were/will overcome low scores and configurate not only learning communities ,- an affordance to be develop through interacting-, but mainly a new paradigm of education.

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[1] As E. Losch states in "Education’s war on millennials.... Excerpted from “The War on Learning: Gaining Ground in the Digital University” , that "both reformers and traditionalists view technology as a way to control students "....I could explained as a consequence, that the conception that my colleagues have and, work was: not to change and don´t permit to change. But at the same time, although I was the introducer of the new format, maybe I was part of the "control technology society"?. At some way, I taught them to participate by wiki but maybe I imposed them to do so? to use it? She continues: "Our entire educational system is reactionary, oriented to past values and past technologies, and will likely continue so until the old generation relinquishes power". In general, that occur with the faculty in a 70%, in my Dept: in my opinion hidden ideological reasons not permit to experiment new virtual environments, and if they use it in only to a mechanical interaction establish by the softwear (for instance Moodle).

[2] Dr Cope´s videos shows us in the course of E-learning Ecologies..
[3] Evers, W. A Critique of progressive education. Hoover Institution. MOOC coursera Course.
[4] The general objective were: to understand in a cognitive and sociocultural focus the ICT mediated influence in education; to analyze in and interdependent relation the new theories of learning and teaching, and the network communication model, to deepen their participation propose by the wiki tool

The specific objective were to explain what is and works a wiki; justify what for its use in education; to reckon the strengths and weaknesses of the wiki; to observe the progressive collaborative construction of knowledge mediated by a wiki , and what sociocognitive (mindware)where applied/develop in the elaboration of the main concepts of An Educational technology appropriate and critic; to recognize some reasons which limit the commitment and the students participation.

[5] But take into account that in emergent countries it is not always in this way.
[6] Polanyi, M. (1996) "The Tacit Dimension". First published Doubleday & Co, 1966. Reprinted Peter Smith, Gloucester, Mass, 1983. Chapter 1: "Tacit Knowing".
Reber, Arthur S. 1993. Implicit learning and tacit knowledge: an essay on the corgnitive unconscious. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-510658-X
Sanders, A. F. (1988). Michael Polanyi's post critical epistemology, a reconstruction of some aspects of 'tacit knowing'. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
